Tag Archives: invitation to sexual touching

Charged with a sexual offence?

As a criminal defence lawyer, a large part of what I do involves protecting the rights of people who are being investigated or have been charged with a sex offence. Unlike most other types of criminal cases, sex cases involve people – mostly men – from all walks of life. Often the accused are men who have been falsely accused by someone they may have had sexual contact with and now they find themselves under investigation or accused of things which can destroy their families, wreck their careers, and stigmatize them in the community.

For the person who has been accused of a sex crime the stakes could hardly be higher.

If you’re convicted of a sexual offence in Canada…

  1. Depending on the offence, you could be looking at a mandatory minimum jail sentence.
  2. You will have to register on the federal sex offender registry.
  3. You will not be eligible for a record suspension (formerly known as a pardon).

If you believe that you might be investigated for or charged with a sex offence, you need to get a criminal defence lawyer with experience defending sex cases on your side right away.

Experience counts

My experience with sex cases includes defending clients who have been charged with:

  • Voyeurism
  • Sexual interference
  • Invitation to sexual touching
  • Sexual assault
  • Possession and production of child pornography

I can help you. Call me today.